Zone Leader: Chris Smith

Chris SmithChris has been in the bioanalytical field for over 25 years working for various pharma companies such as AstraZeneca, GSK and Aventis over this period employed in scientific as well as management positions. Currently located in Sydney, Australia working at Elanco animal healthcare in the role of Director of bioanalytics. The animal health care business was a new role for Chris as he has spent majority of his time in the human pharma working in clinical and pre-clinical environments with small molecules. The challenges of this role has made for an interesting change since arriving in Sydney 5 years ago working with all types of molecules, developing new strategies for residue chemistry, working on new models for companion animals, supporting our regulatory teams with FDA submissions and balancing Elanco internal labs capability across the globe with outsourcing partnerships to improve competiveness.

What three things would you take if you were stranded on a desert island?

  • Fishing Rod
  • Knife
  • Small boat

If you weren’t a bioanalyst, what would you be?
Sportsman – tennis or football but really never good enough.

What is your favorite city?

  • Chicago

Why have you decided to become a Zone Leader?
I have spent over 25 years in the BA and I thought it’s about time I give back to the wider community!


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