White Paper: On the accurate understanding of mass measurement accuracy in Q-TOF MS

High-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) mass spectrometers (MS) are a class of MS instrumentation with capability to resolve complex sample matrix and to allow identification of compounds by measuring their accurate masses. In particular, those coupled to liquid chromatograph (HRAM LC/MS) have been used extensively for structural elucidation of unknown compounds primarily in chemical industry (impurity analysis) and biological researches (proteomics, metabolomics, lipidomics), but also increasingly in forensic science, food safety and environmental testing.
They key performance attribute underlying all application fields is mass measurement accuracy (MMA) as it affords molecular specificity and reduction of false positive results. This White Paper focuses on the fundamentals of MMA in terms of ion statistics. Various factors affecting the observed MMA will be explained, revealing the engineering rationale behind Shimadzu LCMS-9030/9050 quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-TOF) mass spectrometers for stably achieving sub-ppm MMA.
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