Webinar Q&A follow up: Driving more sensitive and selective bioanalysis using accurate mass spectrometry

Thank you to everyone who attended our webinar ‘Driving more sensitive and selective bioanalysis using accurate mass spectrometry’ in association with Sciex (MA, USA). Below are responses from speaker Eshani Nandita, to the questions posed by our audience during the live event. We hope this is a useful resource and thank those who submitted these thoughtful questions.
(Q) During the analysis of surrogate peptides with microflow LC, did you have carryover issues? What is your approach to avoiding these issues?
(A) We did observe carryover but it was minimal and did not affect the quantitative sensitivity and performance of the assay. Typically, we optimize wash solutions (solvent compositions) and gradient conditions to minimize carryover.
(Q) Could you please comment on the robustness of the ZenoTOF 7600 system for a bioanalysis workflow including setup such as tuning procedures?
(A) The SCIEX OS software incorporates features from tuning to acquisition, to management and processing. The platform is quite intuitive and allows the user to assess tuning reports and easily tune if needed before the run. We have used this system for several quant workflows and saw excellent robustness of the system both hardware and tuning capabilities demonstrating a comparable setup to a triple quadrupole.
(Q) Is the SCIEX OS software able to handle and simplify the summation of multiple fragment ions for quantitation?
(A) The software comes with a feature for the user to sum multiple fragment ions. In the past we have seen a lot of manual work around this capability so the software makes this process seamless and easy to accomplish.
(Q) How does the method development aspect compare to an MRM method development on a triple quad?
(A) We have developed many MRM workflows on the ZenoTOF system. All of which have been streamlined using the SCIEX OS software. We have platform methods that can be used and modified to a specific workflow. Method development is comparable to that of triple quad MRM workflows; which allows users to also easily perform method transfers between the triple quad and the QTOFs.
(Q) How much quantitative sensitivity is gained with the use of the Zeno trap for peptides and small molecules?
(A) We have observed 3 to 20x improvement in quantitative sensitivity with the application of the Zeno trap. This can also be highly peptide/small molecule and background dependent.
To access the full on demand webinar, click here.
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