Expert Series: Applications of Targeted and Discovery Workflows Using Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Capabilities

Speaker: Dr. Callee Walsh
Dr. Callee M. W
alsh is the Manager of Mass Spectrometry Imaging at Protea Biosciences. She holds degrees from Cornell University and West Virginia University with her training focused in the field of biochemistry and her postdoctoral training in mass spectrometry. Since her tenure at Protea Biosciences began, she has been involved in development of the LAESI (laser ablation electrospray ionization) mass spectrometry imaging instrumentation and applications development. Her current position involves working with customers on contract research projects using LAESI mass spectrometry imaging and MALDI mass spectrometry imaging to answer their biological questions. She has published in peer-reviewed journals, including Journal of Biological Chemistry and Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, and has co-authored two book chapters on the topic of LAESI mass spectrometry.
This webinar discusses how protea Biosciences is a CRO performing mass spectrometry applications in the fields of metabolomics, proteomics, and biotherapeutic characterization. Protea uses a unique analytical technique called mass spectrometry imaging to visualize the distribution of biomolecules in diverse sample types. This talk will also highlight a few applications of how mass spectrometry imaging can provide insight into targeted and biomarker discovery experiments. These examples will use analytical tools including Protea’s proprietary LAESI system, MALDI-TOF, and LC-M.
5 takeaways from this webinar:
1. Protea has the infrastructure and expertise to help researchers in the fields of metabolomics, proteomics, and biotherapeutic characterization.
2.Mass spectrometry imaging is valuable in mapping the distribution of known or targeted compounds (pharmaceuticals) as well as profiling the distribution of endogenous biomolecules.
3.Taking a multimodal mass spectrometry approach to bioanalytical questions can provide greater depth of knowledge of the biological question.
4.New ambient ionization techniques like LAESI enable researchers to image samples that are not vacuum compatible and can be analyzed without matrix addition
5.Mass spectrometry imaging studies are typically performed by providing relative quantitative results, but absolute quantitation is possible.
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