Volumetric absorptive microsampling as an effective microsampling technique for LC–MS/MS bioanalysis of biomarkers in drug discovery

Kapadnis U, Locuson C, Okamura H, et al. | Bioanalysis, 15(11), 1757-6180, (2023) Keywords: • amino acids • biomarkers • carboxylic acids • LC–MS/MS • microsampling • VAMS Aim: Develop and validate a volumetric absorptive microsampling (VAMS)-based LC–MS/MS method to support the bioanalysis of amino acid and carboxylic acid biomarkers in mouse whole blood. Method: Mouse whole blood was collected using a 10 μl VAMS device. The analytes in VAMS were extracted and analyzed using an LC–MS/MS method. Results: The VAMS-based LC–MS/MS assay exhibited a linearity range of 10.0–10,000 ng/ml with acceptable precision and accuracy and consistent recovery. The analyte stability in mouse whole blood VAMS was...

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