Validation and comprehensive analysis of Streptococcus pneumoniae IgG WHO enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in an Indian reference laboratory

Bispecific antibodies

Shincy M, Vandana G, Akhila M, Shilpa R, Ravikumar K | Bioanalysis, 16(04), 191-201, (2024) Keywords: • capsule polysaccharide • IgG • PCV 13 • Streptococcus pneumoniae • WHO • ELISA Monitoring serotype-specific IgG levels against pneumococci is crucial for assessing immunity, vaccine efficacy, and evaluating vaccination programs. The WHO ELISA for pneumococci is a standardized assay ensuring consistency in testing and comparability of results across laboratories. It involves a rigorous testing process to confirm accurate, precise and reliable detection of antibodies. We validated the protocol for 13 pneumococcal serotypes by assessing its specificity, reproducibility (coefficient of variation ≤15%), repeatability (coefficient...

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