Thermo Fisher Scientific showcase new Electrochemical Detector at Pittcon 2013

Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 Electrochemical Detector to be featured at Pitticon 2013.
Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., featured their new Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 Electrochemical Detector at Pittcon 2013 (Philadelphia, PA, USA). Pittcon is the world’s largest annual premier conference and exposition on laboratory science which takes place between 17th and 21st March 2013.
The Thermo Scientific Dionex UltiMate 3000 Electrochemical Detector makes the speed and resolution of UHPLC separation available with electrochemical detection. The detector was designed by the pioneers of coulometric electrochemical detection. There are also a number of different sensors available for the device to meet different analytical needs such as the amperometric sensor and the coulometric sensor, the latter being unique to Thermo Fisher. The different sensors are designed for simple, flexible and low-maintenance operation; the amperometric sensor for when the application demands a high sensitivity measurement allowing this to occur even in low volume samples, and the coulometric sensor enables low maintenance operations. The company states that further advantages that the electrochemical detection offers are: the high sensitivity needed to measure neurotransmitters, the robustness to analyze pharmaceutical compounds, and the selectivity to characterize complex samples. These such samples include supplements, beverages and biological samples.
Thermo Fisher believe that this new technology is, “a powerful, simple to operate solution for new, as well as experienced users. It can be used with amperometric or coulometric cells, offering an outstanding flexibility, sensitivity, and performance.”
The detector features SmartChip technology for simplicity and the plug-and-play electrochemical sensors remove the need for long cables and reduce noise. Other features include fluidic components that are exchangeable from the front of the detector without special tools. In addition full-scale signal autoranging protects data from losses by reducing peak over-ranging. The technology also features gradient compatibility and is the only electrochemical detector able to operate aggressive gradients.
Source: Thermo Fisher Scientific unveils femtogram-level electrochemical detector at Pittcon 2013.