Technology Digest: why is it important to develop a critical reagent management strategy?

Written by Naamah Maundrell, Future Science Group

Closeup of vials filled with blue liquid on a pharmaceutical production line. The scene features laboratory equipment, medical manufacturing, and a sterile environment for drug production

More resources Interview: critical reagents with Ashley Brant | Webinar: Critical Reagent Management Strategies | Download the eBook The importance of critical reagents When making pivotal decisions in support of drug development, data from ligand-binding assays (LBAs) can be difficult to manage. Ultimately, the robustness and reliability of the assay is directly influenced by the long-term availability and quality of the critical reagents used by the bioanalyst [1]. Critical reagents have been defined as the key components used in LBAs and include antibodies, biologics, peptides, as well as solid supports and matrices. These reagents have unique characteristics that are the...

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