Technology Digest: the trials and triumphs in oligonucleotide bioanalysis
During the last decade, there has been considerable evolution in the target modalities contributing to the development of pharmaceutical medicines. Joining established pipelines of traditional small molecule and monoclonal antibodies are newer modalities including protein degraders, gene and cell therapies, RNA-based drugs and synthetic peptides and proteins. One of these exciting modalities is oligonucleotides, composed of single or double-stranded RNAs or RNA/DNA hybrids, existing in broad classes such as antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), small interfering RNAs (siRNA), microRNAs and antagomirs.
In this feature, we explore how oligonucleotides are being used to treat challenging disease targets, as well as their inherent pitfalls. We cover the analytical approaches routinely used to quantify oligonucleotides and the innovative solutions provided by Waters to enhance oligonucleotide bioanalysis robustness.
This eBook includes:
- TECHNOLOGY DIGEST: The trials and triumphs in oligonucleotide bioanalysis
RESEARCH ARTICLE: Assessing the impact of nonspecific binding on oligonucleotide bioanalysis
APPLICATION NOTE: Sensitive bioanalysis of antisense oligonucleotides of various lengths and modifications
REVIEW: The role of ligand-binding assay and LC−MS in the bioanalysis of complex proteins and oligonucleotide therapeutics
- APPLICATION NOTE: An automated, standardized, kit-based sample preparation workflow for bioanalytical quantification of therapeutic oligonucleotides
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