Running a successful CRO – by Afshin Safavi

Below you can find links and information on the monthly column by Afshin Safavi (Founder & Chief Scientific Officer, BioAgilytix), which focuses on running a successful CRO.
1. ‘Starting a CRO on personal credit’ – In his first article, Afshin discusses how he started BioAgilytix and provides top tips for individuals thinking of setting up a CRO.
2. ‘How to set up a successful CRO by surrounding yourself with the right team members’ – In this installment Afshin focuses on the importance of surrounding yourself with the right scientists, and provides insight into how he achieved this goal.
3. ‘How to win client trust as a CRO‘ – In this installment, Afshin highlights the importance of trust between a client and the CRO.
4. ‘Building partnerships with other CROs‘ – In this installment Afshin covers the important aspect of building partnerships with other CROs, reviewing some of the initial factors that should be considered during the partner selection process and points out items for continued evaluation once an alliance is established.