Zoltan Takats talks about Perfecting your image – mass spectrometry

Zoltan Takats talks about perfecting your image – mass spectrometry and data processing for tissue analysis.
Professor Takats has obtained his PhD from Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary. He moved to the United Kingdom in 2012 and currently works as a Professor of Analytical Chemistry at Imperial College London.
He has pursued pioneering research in mass spectrometry and he is one of the founders of the field of ‘Ambient Mass Spectrometry’. He is the primary inventor of six mass spectrometric ionization techniques and author of 78 peer reviewed publications.
Professor Takats also invented the intelligent surgical knife, which tests tissue as it contacts it during an operation, and immediately gives information as to whether that tissue contains cancer cells. During a surgery this information is given continuously to the surgeon, significantly accelerating biological tissue analysis and enabling removal of virtually all cancer cells.