Reid Bioanalytical Forum 2017: Bioanalysis of the Future

Bioanalysis Zone were delighted to support The Chromatographic Society at the 22nd International Reid Bioanalytical Forum (Cambourne, UK; 4–7 September). We had the pleasure of publishing exclusive content and presentations directly from Reid, giving you priority access to the latest news, information and developments. Click below to view our interviews with James Rudge (Neoteryx), Jennifer Hincks (LGC) and John Lough (University of Sunderland) as they discuss more about their roles and what they think the future may hold.
An interview with James Rudge: Analyzing biomarkers from a single drop of dried capillary blood
An interview with Jennifer Hincks: Flow cytometry analysis of biomarkers
An interview with John Lough: Producing drug bioanalysts of the future
Furthermore, for the first time, Bioanalysis Zone recorded the first session, ‘Bioanalysis of the future’. The session, chaired by Tony Edge (Agilent), included presentations from four other manufacturers including: Simon Cubbon (Thermo Fisher Scientific), Jason Causon (Sciex), Ian Edwards (Waters Corporation) and Neil Loftus (Shimadzu).
Each shared their insights into the future of bioanalysis – the video of their talks is now avaliable on demand above. Follow us on twitter @BioanalysisZone for the latest updates!
Tony Edge (Agilent) – Bioanalysis and beyond [Tony Edge -slides]
Simon Cubbon (Thermo Fisher Scientific) – Future analytical trends for the analysis of biotherapeutic proteins [Simon Cubbon – slides]
Jason Causon (Sciex) – A SWATH through the future [Jason Causon – slides]
Ian Edwards (Waters Corporation) – Recent directions in LC–MS adoption for large molecule bioanalysis [Ian Edwards -slides]
Neil Loftus (Shimadzu) – Excellence in science [Neil Loftus – slides]