Recommendations on: internal standard criteria, stability, incurred sample reanalysis and recent 483s by the Global CRO Council for Bioanalysis

Female and Male Scientists Working on their Computers In Big Modern Laboratory. Various Shelves with Beakers, Chemicals and Different Technical Equipment is Visible.

The Global CRO Council (GCC) for Bioanalysis was formed in an effort to bring together many CRO leaders to openly discuss bioanalysis and the regulatory challenges unique to the outsourcing industry. The 2nd Global CRO Council (GCC) for Bioanalysis Closed Forum was held on 15 April, 2011 in Montreal, Canada. In attendance were 45 senior-level representatives from 39 CROs on behalf of eight countries. The meeting began with the following admonition statement: “Our discussions today are subject to the anti-trust guidance applicable in Canada. Nothing discussed at this meeting is intended to restrict the individual decision-making of any participating company...

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