Recommendations and discussion points on immunogenicity, biomarkers, automation/technology and protein–MS from the 2021 European Bioanalysis Forum Focus Workshops

Timmerman P, Barfield M, Cowan K, et al. | Bioanalysis, 13(19), 1459-1465, (2021) Keywords: • automation • biomarkers • context of use • immunogenicity • LBA-technology • protein-MS During the first half of 2021, and due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic preventing in-person meetings, the European Bioanalysis Forum organized four workshops as live interactive online meetings. The themes discussed at the workshops were carefully selected to match the cyberspace dynamics of the meeting format. The first workshop was a training day on challenges related to immunogenicity. The second one focused on biomarkers and continued the important discussion on integrating the principles of Context of Use (CoU) in biomarker research. The third...