Zone Leader: Rafael Lucena

Rafael is Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Córdoba. His research is mainly focused on microextraction techniques and the role that nanoparticles and composites may play in analytical chemistry. He has co-authored 80 scientific articles, three book chapters and he has edited one book and a special journal issue dedicated to the topic. Rafael is also engaged with science divulgation. In fact, he is the editor of Microextraction Tech blog and collaborates with several resources.
What three things would you take if you were stranded on a desert island?
- E-book reader
- Cell phone (for booking the return trip)
- Solar charger
If you weren’t a bioanalyst, what would you be?
- Mathematician
What is your favorite city?
- Vienna, but I love my city Cordoba too
Why have you decided to become a Zone Leader?
I consider Bioanalysis Zone as a essential source in bioanalysis. Becoming a zone leader will allow me to be actively engaged in the Zone.
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