Patient-centric sampling

In this feature, we explore the topic of patient-centric sampling. Patient-centric sampling is a relatively recently developed workflow, which has the potential to provide a wide variety of benefits to both patients and clinicians. Patient-centric sampling techniques could facilitate the collection of previously challenging data in a familiar and convenient environment for the patient.
Coffee Chat
Don’t miss our Coffee Chat, hosted by Naamah Maundrell (Bioanalysis Zone, London, UK), which features three experts discussing the complexities of patient-centric sampling strategies: Stephanie Cape (Covance, WI, USA), Shane Needham (Alturas Analytics, ID, USA) and Melanie Anderson (Merck, PA, USA).
Expert interviews
In this interview Neil Spooner, Senior Editor of Bioanalysis and Founder and Director of Spooner Bioanalytical Solutions (Hertford, UK), discusses some of the recent developments in microsampling technology. Spooner also comments on the current regulatory perspectives as well as telling us what patient-centric sampling technologies he’s most excited to see in the future.
Patient-centric microsampling strategies
In this interview Michele Protti, research fellow at the University of Bologna (Italy), answers questions about patient-centric microsampling strategies. Protti tells us why microsampling strategies are so important, details recent improvements in the field and explains some of the challenges faced when developing microsampling strategies with a patient-centric approach.
Real-world applications
The recent COVID-19 pandemic sparked by the SARS-CoV-2 virus serves to highlight the importance of low cost, easily achievable and robust patient-centric sampling strategies. In order to control the disease and its spread, accurate testing is paramount. Sampling strategies that reduce patient anxiety and inconvenience could have many benefits, for patients, clinicians and the wider public.
Recently the National Institutes of Health (MD, USA) announced a study to quantify undetected cases of COVID-19 using antibody tests on blood samples collected in microsampling devices [1]. We asked microsampling expert Hua Li (Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, CT, USA) for her perspectives on the potential benefits and applications of patient-centric microsampling strategies amidst the coronavirus pandemic. Click here to read the interview.
Keep up-to-date with COVID-19 with our dedicated In the Zone on coronavirus – featuring everything from the latest headlines to expert perspectives on vaccine development strategies.
Longer reads
- Feature: Exploring microsampling
- Journal article: Microsampling: considerations for its use in pharmaceutical drug discovery and development