Partnership launches image analysis platform

Written by Lisa Parks, Future Science Group

Blurred interior of hospital - abstract medical background.

Initiative enables shared access to image lifecycle data and analysis algorithms.
Curie-Cancer (Paris, France), the body responsible for developing Institut Curie’s (Paris, France) industry partnerships, and Strand Scientific Intelligence, Inc. (CA, USA) recently announced the launch of a jointly developed image analysis and management platform, the Curie Image Database (CID). The CID was created over the past 2 years at the Cell and Tissue Imaging Core facility of the Institut Curie, using Strand’s data mining and visualization platform, Avadis®.

The database provides shared, secure and open access to both image lifecycle data and image analysis algorithms, enabling over 250 scientists at Institut Curie and another ten collaborating institutions to manage heterogeneous imaging data and complex analysis workflows.

Jean Salamero, scientific director of Cell and Tissue Imaging Core Facility at Curie-Cancer commented on the initiative, “Our goal was not only to provide an image ‘management’ system but also an interactive research tool that allows data and analysis sharing for distant and multidisciplinary projects between teams from different laboratories and institutes, and that is able to handle the exponential growth and complexity of scientific and biomedical images generated by advanced microscopy systems.”

Damien Salauze, director of Curie-Cancer stated, “Such a partnership project may ultimately help with the treatment of cancer.” Salamero added, “Going forward, we would like to integrate this image database with other types of data, like genomic data or clinical and anatomy-pathological data related to clinical projects, resulting in an even more effective weapon in our fight against cancer.”

Source: Curie-Cancer and Strand launch Curie image database.