Novel integrated laboratory equipment from BD that automates the complete sample preparation process of flow cytometry

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company), a top international healthcare technology company, has unveiled the release of their new automated device that efficiently prepares samples for clinical diagnostics employing the use of flow cytometry.
Flow cytometry plays a critical role in clinical diagnostics, serving as a vital tool in the identification and monitoring of various diseases such as cancer. This new equipment offers a comprehensive ‘walkaway’ workflow solution, with the primary aim of enhancing reproducibility and standardization in cellular diagnostics.
The BD FACSDuet™ Premium Sample Preparation System utilizes liquid-handling robotics to automate the complete sample preparation process. This includes both in vitro diagnostics and user-defined tests, integrating cocktailing, washing, and centrifuging of samples – and then subsequently transferring the samples to the attached BD FACSLyric™ Clinical Flow Cytometry System, without the need for human input.
As the new BD FACSDuet™ Premium System is physically attached to a flow cytometer, the BD FACSDuet™ Premium System allows a ‘walkaway’ workflow solution that demands fewer manual steps, and in turn less user hands-on time than earlier solutions.
“Our clinical customers have long trusted BD and our best-in-class products to standardize every step of the clinical lab workflow – from panel creation to sample preparation to analysis to report,” explained Steve Conly, worldwide president, BD Biosciences. “The flagship BD FACSLyric™ Flow Cytometry System is one of the fastest adopted clinical instruments in the world and now together with the FACSDuet™ Premium System, which has achieved IVD status in the U.S. and Europe, we usher in greater levels of automation so that our customers can focus more of their valuable time on analyzing and interpreting samples and impacting outcomes.”