New mass spectrometry system launched by SCIEX

The life science analytical technology company SCIEX (MA, USA) has announced its latest solution in the X-series quadrupole time of flight (QTOF) mass spectrometry platform. The model developers state the system will bring simplicity, high performance and robustness for biotherapeutic analyses. The SCIEX OS and BioPharmaViewTM 2.0 software comprises an integrated LC–MS solution performing standard biotherapeutic characterization.
The X500R QTOF System was designed specifically for routine food, environmental and forensic testing and has won awards and accolades from industry-leading laboratories and key opinion leaders. The system enables high-resolution standardized workflow, allowing characterization of a large numbers of biologic products.
The incorporated software, BioPharmaView Mass 2.0, offers the ability to interpret SWATH® 2.0 data independently on the X500B QTOF System. This allows for comprehensive peptide mapping, providing high-resolution mass spectrometry data for every peptide in the sample. This strategy allows detection of important low-abundance peptides and post-translational modifications.
Senior director of SCIEX, Farzana Azam commented: “Mass spec users have been asking for systems that are purpose built for their application, and SCIEX has listened…the introduction of the X500B System brings a new level of simplicity, robustness and integration to simplify the complex world of biologics characterisation. The combination of this innovative, true benchtop QTOF system, and software such as SCIEX OS and unique SWATH Acquisition, creates the complete easy-to-use and streamlined solution for standard biologic analyses.”