Meet the Bioanalysis Zone Expert Panel!
Our Expert Panel is made up of specialists from academia, CROs, pharma and biotech. With a combined 208 years of experience in bioanalysis, their expertise will make sure that we are meeting the needs of the community!
Which panel member is a black belt in karate? Who likes a Singapore sling? Find out below!
We have also put together a fun (and sometimes surprising!) infographic, showing the anatomy of the Expert Panel!
Our Expert Panel members
Brian Beato, USA
“I develop bioanalytical LC-MS/MS methods for drugs and metabolites, and oversee continuing development of our world class electronic lab notebook.”
What social media tools do you use? I primarily use good old fashioned semaphore flags. Admittedly, I do not get a lot of “Likes” and “Re-Flags”, but to my knowledge semaphore is still not illegal while driving. Inconvenient, perhaps, but not illegal.
Chris Beaver, inVentiv Health, Canada
“I am Head of inVentiv Health Clinical’s macromolecule bioanalytical operations, overseeing methods for the measurement of therapeutics, biomarkers, immunogenicity and neutralizing antibodies.”
That’s a lot of air miles…Chris has visited 13 countries in the past year!
Timothy Garrett, University of Florida, USA
“I direct a research MS facility specializing in metabolomics and am a technical director for a clinical MS facility.”
You’d be surprised to know that I…have a black belt in karate
Chris Holliman, Pfizer, USA
“I lead a team of 13 bioanalysts. We provide quantitative analysis from in vivo studies for Pfizer’s global discovery programs.”
The most rewarding part of my job… is when I hear patient testimonials or friends tell me how the treatments we’ve developed have improved their lives.
Chris James, Amgen, USA
“I am Head of the SM bioanalytical group and member of PKDM department leadership team.”
You’d be surprised to know that I…cycled from San Francisco to Los Angeles three times in support of the Arthritis Foundation.
Rafael Lucena, University of Córdoba, Spain
“I’m interested in sample treatment and the use of biorecognition molecules. My current role involves teaching and the supervision of 5 PhD theses.”
You’d be surprised to know that I…am passionate about soccer (Real Madrid).
Robert MacNeill, Envigo, USA
“I’m leader of the LC-MS/MS method development group, also overseeing in-house R&D, training and technical writing at Envigo’ Princeton site.”
You’d be surprised to know that I…spent much of my youth ski-ing in the Scottish Highlands
Roland Meesters, Universidad de los Andes, Columbia
“I am Associated Professor of Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry and Director of Grupo de Investigación en Química Analítica y Bioanalítica (GABIO)”
How many languages do you speak? Five – Dutch, German, English, Spanish and a Dutch dialect.
Heather Myler, Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA
“I currently serve as a Senior Research Investigator at Bristol-Myers Squibb, supporting biotherapeutic PK, immunogenicity and biomarker bioanalysis.”
If I wasn’t a bioanalyst I would be…a novelist writing biographies, and truth-based inspirational and motivational books.
Bertrand Rochat, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
“Head of a LC-MS facility in a University hospital for basic and clinical research projects.”
You’d be surprised to know that I…play clarinet, bass clarinet, alto and soprano sax.
Tim Sangster, Charles River Laboratories, UK
“I am lucky to head up a great team of bioanalytical and immunological scientists supporting clinical and preclinical development programs.”
You’d be surprised to know that I…fenced for my university.
Peter Van Amsterdam, Abbott Healthcare Products B.V., Netherlands
“I am responsible for managing all bioanalytical and related contracted out laboratory activities and the bioanalytical aspects of regulatory submissions.”
If I wasn’t a bioanalyst I would be…an astronomer.