Conference and event highlights: January to March
As you may have already noticed, Bioanalysis Zone have been busy updating the 2018 events calendar featuring key bioanalytical events, conferences and workshops that are coming up over the next 3 months.
For more information on these and other events, head to the Bioanalysis Zone events pages.
Also, to help us cover as many bioanalytical events as possible, if you are attending a conference or event and would be interested in writing a conference report please contact Georgi Makin ([email protected]) for more information.
21–25 January: MSACL, US
The Association for Mass Spectrometry: Applications to the Clinical Lab 10th Annual Conference and Exhibits
Hosted in Palm Springs, MSACL, US is ‘a forum for discussion of developments in the clinical application of mass spectrometry.’ Poster abstracts for the online programme are still being accepted until 10th January, and registration for the event is still open via the website. Abstract submission categories include: Cannabinoids; endocrinology informatics and analytics; metabolomics; microbiology/virology; practical training; proficiency, regulations and standards; proteomics; small molecules/tox; tissue imaging and analysis; troubleshooting; various others.
24–26 January: HTC15
15th International Symposium on Hyphenated Techniques in Chromatography and Separation Technology
HTC15 will be covering ‘all fundamental aspects, instrumental developments and applications of hyphenated techniques’ in Cardiff, UK. The standard registration deadline is fast approaching on the 10 January, and more information can be found through the Royal Society of Chemistry website.
1–2 February: Lipidomics Workshop – Applications in Food and Life Sciences
Sciex, LUMC and DSM are hosting a workshop at the Leiden University Medical Center focused on the applications of lipidomics in food and life sciences. The full agenda and registration form are available on the Sciex website.
6 February–8 February: JBF
9th Japan Bioanalysis Forum Symposium
Come and visit us the team from Bioanalysis at JBF in Tokyo this year! The full program is now available on the JBF website, and keep an eye on Bioanalysis Zone for more information about how to find us there. If you are attending, it would be great to meet you. Email Sankeetha Nadarajah ([email protected]) to put something in our diaries.
7–8 February: CPSA Europe
European Symposium on Clinical and Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis
Registration and abstract submission is open now on the CPSA Europe website in Cambridge, UK. ‘Each session at CPSA Europe will address the current industrial landscape and the global need to bring products to market faster. The program chairs will promote discussion and exchange of experiences, ideas, and visions so that current processes that involve analytical measurement can be benchmarked and future strategies may be developed.’
26 February – 1 March: Pittcon Conference and Expo
Pittsburgh Conference on Analytical Chemistry and Applied Spectroscopy
Pittcon is described as ‘the world’s leading annual conference and exposition on laboratory science’ and is hosted in Orlando, USA. Register on the Pittcon website and plan your day with their online agenda schedule planner.
27–28 February: 1st Regional Conference on Regulatory Harmonisation
Topics included at the 1st Regional Conference on Regulatory Harmonisation in Morocco are: Regulatory processes in the region, pre-marketing, post-marketing, biosimilars, patient access, safety and pharmacovigilance management, life cycle management and non-prescription medicines. You can register for this event and other upcoming DIA events through the DIA website.
15–16 March: 4th EBF Young Scientist Symposium
Focused on the theme of ‘The BioA Brain: Embracing New Ideas,’ e-registration is open until 8th March via the event website. Abstract and poster submissions are welcome on the following themes: Automation, large/small molecule cross over, increasing efficiencies, overcoming bioanalytical issues and contending with new molecules and methods.
19–21 March: CPSA Metabolomics
4th Annual Metabolomics Symposium on Clinical & Pharmaceutical Solutions through Analysis
Hosted in Florida, USA, ‘the goal of CPSA Metabolomics is to provide in-depth review of innovative technology and industry practices through open discussion of industry-related issues and needs.’ Registration is open now, and poster abstracts are currently being accepted until 28th February through the event website.
22 March: BMSS Meeting
London Biological Mass Spectrometry Meeting
Keep an eye on Bioanalysis Zone and the BMSS website for more information about the next meeting.