Introduction of a routine quan/qual approach into research DMPK: experiences and evolving strategies
King L, Kotian A, Jairaj M | Bioanalytical Challenge| Bioanalysis. 6(24), 3337–3348 (2014) The application of liquid chromatography high-resolution mass spectrometry for simultaneous quantitative and qualitative (quan/qual) analysis has gained momentum across a range of different scientific arenas in recent years. The ability to acquire high quality quantitative data, whilst also capturing qualitative data for either parallel or retrospective analysis, is a powerful resource, especially in view of ever-reducing cycle times, laboratory space and budgets. The quan/qual approach employing a Q-Exactive™ Orbitrap high-resolution mass spectrometer has been successfully introduced into UCB's research DMPK department. This article describes our experiences in introducing...