In the Zone: drug metabolism

Studying drug metabolism is vital in understanding the time course of a drug, critical dosages, toxicology of drug metabolites and other interactions of drug combinations. The rate a drug undergoes a range of enzyme-mediated chemical reactions determines the duration and intensity of the pharmacological action of the drug.
It is important for scientists to understand these reactions identifying any by-products and the toxicity of the potentially poisonous compounds. This is made possible through analyzing the enzymatic reactions that enable drugs to comprar levitra online be converted to more polar metabolites facilitating excretion. As part of this feature, we will aim to cover a range of developments and advancing technologies including:
- bioanalytical methods and techniques for studying drug metabolism;
- effects of drug metabolism on pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics;
- a regulatory perspective.
Biotherapeutic drug metabolism: a podcast with Kevin Ray (Millipore Sigma)
As part of our focus, In the Zone: drug metabolism, we present this podcast where we talk to Kevin Ray (Analytical Research and Development Manager, Millipore Sigma) about his experience working in drug metabolism for biotherapeutics, and what he believes the future may hold for drug metabolism studies.
Top 6 tips: LC–MS for drug metabolism
Learn more about utilizing LC–MS for drug metabolism research with these top six, expert tips. These include: tube size, what to avoid, preparation of mobile phases, solvent storage, precipitation and contamination.
1 Oligonucleotide pharmacokinetic/drug metabolism bioanalysis via hybridization ELISA
*The life science business of Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.