An author’s perspective

In order to better understand articles published in Bioanalysis, the journal, we interview authors of research articles, methodology papers, perspectives and more. The interviews give a unique insight into an author’s perspective.
In this feature, authors of Bioanalysis publications are asked about a wide range of topics, spanning from their research inspirations and the impact of their work, to what advice they would give to new bioanalysts and what they hope to achieve in the future.
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Latest interviews
Microsampling for pharmacokinetic bioanalysis
In this interview we caught up with Hua Li (Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, CT, USA). In 2018 Li authored a methodology article published in Bioanalysis. When we spoke to Hua, she told us about the inspiration for this research and discussed the importance of PK/PD scientists in early drug development.
In this interview we caught up with solid-phase microextraction pioneer Janusz Pawliszyn, University Professor and Canada Research Chair (University of Waterloo, ON, Canada) and recent winner of the 2019 Talanta Medal. Janusz got us up to speed with the latest developments in coated blade spray techniques since his publication in Bioanalysis.
The future of electromembrane extraction
We caught up with Stig Pedersen-Bjergaard (Department of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Norway) and asked him about the developments in his research into electromembrane extraction applications since his 2018 publication in Bioanalysis. Is there potential for electromembrane extraction in smartphone-based detection applications?
Mitigating target interference in bridging immunogenicity assays
Jihua Chen (Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, NY, USA) answers some of our questions probing his latest research publication and his current research focus. Jihua discusses the impact of the paper published in Bioanalysis and outlines some of the major challenges faced by scientists hoping to develop reliable and robust bridging anti-drug antibody assays.
Previous interviews
Series 4
- Montserrat Carrasco-Triguero on evaluating the immunogenicity of antibody-drug conjugates
- Grażyna Chwatko on the first method for determination of lipoyllysine in human urine
- Yie Hou Lee on Retention time bracketing for targeted sphingolipidomics by LC–MS/MS
Series 3
- Amanda King-Ahmad on quantitation of the peptide-1 receptor agonist liraglutide
- Wenying Jian on bioanalytical workflow for novel scaffold protein–drug conjugates
- Laura Rowe on analyzing protein glycosylation using UHPLC
- Zhengqi Ye on approaches to measure protein binding of enzymatically unstable compounds
- Vellalore Kakkanaiah on flow cytometry in cell-based pharmacokinetics
- George Jaskiw on quantification of phenolic acid metabolites in humans by LC–MS
Series 2
- Astrid Gjelstad on Parallel Artificial Liquid Membrane Extraction (PALME)
- Maria Myzithras on optimizing NBE PK/PD assays
- Germán Augusto Gómez-Ríos on shifting the paradigm of direct sample introduction to MS
- Panagiotis Vorkas on expanding lipidome coverage
- Erin Baker on evaluating lipid mediator structural complexity
- Piotr J. Rudzki on graphical evaluation of unmatched incurred sample reanalysis
- Christophe Hirtz on LC–MRM in human saliva studies
- Ragu Ramanathan on an LC–MS/HRMS assay for quantifying coproporphyrins as organic anion-transporting polypeptide biomarkers
Series 1
- Gary Van Berkel on immediate drop on demand technology coupled with mass spectrometry
- Chris Zhu on MS-based metabolomics
- Zheng Ouyang on miniature mass spectrometry
- Brendon Kapinos on LC/MS/MS-based screening
About Bioanalysis
The peer-reviewed journal Bioanalysis focuses on the techniques and methods used for the detection or quantitative study of analytes in human or animal biological samples. Bioanalysis encourages the submission of articles describing forward-looking applications, including biosensors, microfluidics, miniaturized analytical devices, and new hyphenated and multi-dimensional techniques.
Bioanalysis delivers essential information in concise, at-a-glance article formats. Key advances in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts, providing an authoritative but accessible forum for the modern bioanalyst.