Laura Mercolini

Laura Mercolini is Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Bologna since 2012 and Head of the Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis Laboratory (PTA Lab) at the Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology (FaBiT). Her research activity deals with the development of innovative strategies for the analysis of psychotropic compounds in biological and non-biological samples. She has published more than 60 peer-reviewed papers, one patent and given approximately 160 communications to national and international events, meetings and schools. Dr Mercolini graduated with a Master’s Degree in Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies and got a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Bologna.
What three things would you take if you were stranded on a desert island?
- E-books
- MP3 music
- Solar charger
If you weren’t a bioanalyst, what would you be?
- An architect
What is your favorite city?
- London
Why have you decided to become a Zone Leader?
Because since the beginning I found Bioanalysis Zone a unique example of innovative scientific platform, truly inspiring and very useful for researchers both from industry and from academia.