67th ASMS Conference

Event details

Location: Atlanta, GA, United States, America

The annual conference presents over 2,700 poster presentations and 384 talks. The conference location changes annually and will be held in Atlanta (GA, USA) this year.

SciexIntertekWaters Corporation
SCIEX will be attending ASMS and is hosting a press conference on Monday, June 3 from 11am–12pm in the Omni Grand Ballroom ABC to celebrate the 30th anniversary on the API III and introduce their new innovations. Additional information, including press releases, will be shared in conjunction with the conference.

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Stop by our poster sessions at the 2019 ASMS Annual Conference to learn about our latest research projects. June 2-6 in Atlanta, GA.

MP653 (Monday – Protein Therapeutics: Quantitative Analysis)
Evaluation of nSMOL Methodology for the Analysis of the mAb Bevacizumab in Human Plasma by LC-MS/MS
Presenter/Authors: Mike Buonarati, Reed Lyon, Laurence M. Brill, Dale Schoener (Intertek Pharmaceutical Services – San Diego, CA, USA) Stephen Kurzyniec, Vikki Johnson (Shimadzu Scientific Instruments, Inc – Carlsbad, CA)

WP 240 (Wednesday – Drug Discovery / DMPK / ADME)
Enzyme Activity Assay of an Engineered Human Homocyst(e)inase in Mammalian Serum using LC-MS/MS
Presenter/Authors: Dale Schoener, Forrest Helfrich, Jennifer Zarzoso, Mike Buonarati (Intertek Pharmaceutical Services – San Diego) Silvia Ferrati, Susan Alters (Aeglea Biotherapeutics – Austin, TX)

ThP 150 (Thursday – Drug Discovery/DMPK/ADME II)
LC-MS/MS with In-Source Collision Induced Dissociation for Direct Measurement of the 21 kDa
Dendrimer Prodrug OP-101 in Human Urine
Presenter/Authors: Dale Schoener, Forrest Helfrich, Karla Read, Jennifer Zarzoso, Mike Buonarati (Intertek Pharmaceutical Services – San Diego, CA); Jeff Cleland (Orpheris – Redwood City, CA), Rangaramanujam M. Kannan (Orpheris – Redwood City, CA, and Center for Nanomedicine, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine – Baltimore, MD)

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Waters Corporation is looking forward to seeing you at ASMS

Purposeful Innovation. Driven by Science.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

9:00am–6:00pm – Atlanta Marriott Marquis (Atlanta, GA, USA)

Accelerating Drug Discovery & Development with LC-MS Technologies: Contemporary Case Studies in ADME, DMPK, and Translational Research

Presenters: Dr Paul Harradine (Senior Principal Scientist)

NJ Discovery Bioanalytics Group, PPDM (Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics and Drug Metabolism) Merck & Co. Inc.

Addressing Bottlenecks in High-Throughput in vitro ADME Assays of Peptide Therapeutics

Joseph T. Marini, PhD (Lead Staff Scientist, Drug Metabolism, Covance)

Differentiating Isomeric Glucuronide Metabolites by Ion Mobility on an IMS QTof for Drug Development Metabolite Identification

John F. Kellie, Associate Fellow and Investigator, Bioanalysis, Immunogenicity and Biomarkers (GSK)

Biotherapeutic Antibody Subunit LC-MS for Quantitation & Biotransformation Monitoring from In-Life Studies

Dr Richard Kay, Senior Reseach Associate (Cambridge University)

LC-MS Analysis of Proinsulin Derived Peptides in Patients with Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome: Explaining Spurious Immunoassay Results

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