The Microsampling Workshop

Event details

Location: Grand Connaught Rooms, London, WC2B 5DA, United Kingdom, Europe

Microsampling-Workshop-Banner_09-01-16_450pxInterest in blood microsampling is on the rise. This is driven by the desire to obtain clinical samples from locations more convenient for the patient, reduce the number of animals used for research, and limit the amount of blood taken from vulnerable populations.  This free workshop is your opportunity to be at the forefront of microsampling.

Learning Objectives

  • Gain a broader understanding of what microsampling is and where the technique can be applied
  • Examine, via case studies, how microsampling has been implemented in organizations, the pitfalls encountered, and how they were overcome
  • Take part in panel-based discussions on the benefits and challenges of microsampling
  • Become aware of Neoteryx microsampling products (current and future) and the support available for testing and implementation

Who Should Attend 

  • Current and potential future users of microsampling
  • Those with an interest in pre-clinical and/or clinical utilization of microsampling
  • Technicians, clinicians, analysts, and managers working in pharmaceutical, CRO, academic, clinical, health care, and/or regulatory organizations


  • Workshop is free of charge
  • Lunch & refreshments will be provided
  • Access the agenda here