QPS Holdings, LLC

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QPS is a GLP/GCP-compliant contract research organization (CRO) delivering the highest grade of discovery, preclinical, and clinical drug development services. Since 1995, it has rapidly expanded from a tiny bioanalysis shop to a full-service CRO with 1100+ employees in the US, Europe, India and Asia. Today, it offers expanded pharmaceutical contract R&D services with special expertise in Pharmacology, DMPK, Toxicology, Bioanalysis, Translational Medicine and all Phases of Clinical Development. An award-winning leader focused on bioanalytics and clinical trials, QPS is known for proven quality standards, technical expertise, a flexible approach to research, client satisfaction and turnkey laboratories and facilities. For more information, visit www.qps.com or email [email protected]

Breaking Ground in Cancer Treatment: First T-Cell Therapy Approved for Solid Tumors

Can Repeat Dosing with RNA Medicines Be Curative?

RNAi Breakthrough in Heart Disease Treatment

“Like Day and Night” — CRISPR’s Life-Changing Potential in Sickle Cell Disease

mRNA Delivery by Viral Vectors

Gene Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease

Oligonucleotide Therapeutics: Drug-Drug Interactions (DDI)

Gene Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease

Oligonucleotide Anti-Drug Antibodies (ADAs)

Going Non-Viral — Rethinking Gene Therapy Delivery

Understanding Therapeutic Oligonucleotides ADME

In Vivo vs. Ex Vivo Gene Therapy

Could the Next Blockbuster Drug be Designed by Artificial Intelligence?

Research Reveals Yellow Crazy Ants’ Intriguing Chimerism

Types of Gene Therapy

The History of Gene Therapy

Rare Genetic Mutation Offers Clues for Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

Wilson Disease: A Rare Genetic Condition with Serious Consequences

Can the Bat Genome Inform Pandemic Prevention?

Can We Reverse Aging by Targeting Old Cells?

Research on Extending Lifespan with Cell Reprogramming Yields “Cautious Optimism”

Experimental mRNA Vaccine Takes a Multivalent Approach to the Flu

Discovery: Pupal Ants Produce Milk for Their Colonies

Attacking KRAS Proteins to Kill Cancer

Reporting Live From the Brain — Tiny Microscope Tracks Activity in Moving Mice

Researchers Find New Hybrid Virus in Lung Cells

New Anti-Amyloid Drug Offers Cognitive Benefit for Patients with AD

Are the New COVID Boosters Better Than the Old Boosters?

Lymphatic Delivery Offers Potential Perks for Kinase Inhibitors and Other Cancer Drugs

It Took Time, But Ionis Made Antisense Therapy Make Sense

How Ancient Wolves Evolved into Mans’s Best Friend

Study Finds Norovirus Could Spread Through Saliva

Could Bear Serum Help the Bedridden?

FDA Sanctions First Interchangeable Biosimilar Sans Switching Study

Research Reveals a Fungi-Cancer Connection, with Potential Diagnostic Implications

How SARS COV2 Spreads Infection So Efficiently: Part 1 The Spike Protein

Clinical Trial Shows in vivo CRISPR CAS9 Therapy Effective Against Rare Disease

Could Giraffes Advance Human Genetic Research?

The SARS COV2 Jump From Bats To Humans And What It Tells Us

Could a New Gap-Free Human Genome Make Personal DNA Sequencing “Routine” Care?

The Potential of a Self-Amplifying mRNA Vaccine Is Heard Loud and Clear

Shedding Light on the Dark Proteome

3D DNA: Imaging and Sequencing Finally Reveal Genomic Structure

New Draft FDA Guidance on ADC Pharmacology

Lilly/Entos Deal Reinforces the Significance of Delivery Mechanisms for Nucleic Acid-Based Therapies

Longhorn Beetles, 200-Year-Old Fish, and How Genetics Drive Genomic Diversity

Cancer Cure? 10-Year Leukemia Remission Reported with Personalized T-Cell Therapy

A New Proteo-Genomic Map Shows How Genes Connect to a Variety of Diseases

Approved: First Drug to Boost Growth in Children With Dwarfism

A Novel Approach to a New mRNA-Based Lyme Disease Vaccine: Tick Saliva

Sign up for QPS Blog Updates!

Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) as an alternative approach for the estimation of plasma protein binding of oligonucleotides

Innovative new Leukopak facility at QPS: an interview with Polung Yang

How are pharmacology disease state models used for drug development?

The new frontier: the bioanalysis of cell and gene therapies podcast

QPS Taiwan: new facility expansion and the challenges of pharmacology drug-related projects

Technology Digest: LBAs vs chromatographic platforms for oligonucleotide quantification

Ask The Experts: the impact of COVID-19 on the lab

Bioanalysis Milestones

Gene Therapy Milestones

Spotlight: DMPK

Protein binding determination, QC and acceptance criteria: an interview with Simon Wong

Peek behind the paper: LC–TOF–MS methods to quantify siRNAs

Peek behind the paper: how ADA methodology informs SARS-CoV-2 assay development

Ask the Experts – hybrid LBA/LC–MS

Ask the Experts: oligonucleotide analysis and therapeutics

Brexit or not, the drug research and development landscape has changed

Ask the Experts: outsourcing

Hybrid LC–MS assays reaching standards for regulatory filings

QPS expands their translational medicine capabilities at flagship facility in Delaware

QPS White Paper – Three lessons to help accelerate pharmaceutical breakthroughs for CNS disorders

International Women’s Day: an interview with Manuela Prokesch

International Women’s Day: an interview with Birgit Hutter-Paier

International Women’s Day: an interview with Stacey Gottschall


QPS Opens Additional Preclinical Research Facility In Taipei, Taiwan


Lipum has entered a partnership with QPS Netherlands B.V. for its first clinical trial with SOL-116

QPS Holdings LLC Announces a New Director of Neuropharmacology


QPS Supports COVID-19 Vaccine Development In Taiwan

QPS Awarded Five 2021 CRO Leadership Awards


QPS Missouri Projected to Pay $1 Million to Local Participants

QPS Awarded Two 2020 CRO Leadership Awards

QPS Continues to Expand UPLC-HRMS Quantitation Capabilities to Support Gene Therapy and Protein Drug Development

QPS Announces Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 Testing Capability

QPS Assembles an Access Restricted Bioanalysis Lab to Support Drug Companies in the Fight Against Novel Coronavirus

QPS Forms Partnership with UMCG and G-CURE for Cardiovascular Drug Development

For more information about QPS at each conference, please visit our page.

This is the list of conferences QPS plans to exhibit at in 2025. We hope to see you soon!

  • Advanced Therapies Week (Dallas, TX) – January 20-23
  • OCT West Coast (Burlingame, CA) – February 11-12
  • EIP (Lisbon, Portugal) – February 24-26
  • World ADC (London, UK) – March 3-6
  • WRIB (New Orleans, LA) – April 7-11
  • OCT Europe (Barcelona, Spain) – April 29-30
  • AAPS NBC (Boston, MA) – May 4-7
  • Delaware BIO (Wilmington, DE) – May 7-11
  • ISCT (New Orleans, LA) – May 7-10
  • European Congress on Obesity (Malaga, Spain) – May 11-14
  • TIDES (San Diego, CA) – May 19-22
  • ASCO (Chicago, IL) – May 30 – June 3
  • OCT UK & Ireland (London, UK) – June 10-11
  • SSF Kansas City (Kansas City, MO) – July 14-17
  • ISSX (Chicago, IL) – September 21-24
  • OCT Southern California (San Diego, CA) – September 23-24
  • NLS Days (Gothenburg, Sweden) – October 13-14
  • OCT New England (Boston, MA) – October 15-16
  • ESMO (Berlin, Germany) – October 17-21
  • AAPS PharmSci 360 (San Francisco, CA) – November 9-12
  • OCT DACH and Western Europe (Zurich, Switzerland) – November 12-13
  • EBF Open Symposium (Barcelona, Spain) – November 18-20
  • OCT Korea (Seoul, South Korea) – December 2-5

The new frontier: regulatory implications for cell and gene therapies

In the first episode of The new frontier podcast, we spoke to Executive Director and Global Head of Regulatory Services Kimberley Buytaert-Hoefen about her experience with cell and gene therapy (CGT) approvals and the barriers to getting these important therapeutics to the patient. Kim advises early regulatory interaction and collaboration to improve the success rate of applications and emphasizes the importance of global harmonization of regulatory standards. We discuss key barriers to CGT approvals including manufacturing and immunogenicity and Kim voices her excitement for the newly approved CRISPR-Cas9 technology to treat sickle cell disease.

Listen to the full episode here!

The new frontier: using LC–MS/MS for quantitative assays to support gene therapies

In the third episode of The New Frontier podcast, we’re joined by Daniel Schulz-Jander, Senior Director of Mass spectrometry Bioanalysis at QPS Netherlands (Groningen). Daniel explains how he uses immune-precipitation and immunoaffinity LC–MS/MS techniques for his work relating to macromolecular pharmaceuticals like gene therapies, as well as their benefits and challenges. Daniel also covers bottom-up, middle-down and top-down approaches and their suitability for his work in clinical support versus research and discovery.

Listen to the full episode here!



At QPS, bioanalysis brings together leading-edge technologies on small molecules, protein biotherapeutics, vaccines and cell & gene therapies, and provides a full range of bioanalytical solutions to support drug development from drug discovery through clinical development. Access the brochure here!

Read the article in Korean.

Read the article in Japanese.

Read the article in Chinese.


At QPS, translational medicine brings together leading-edge technologies and pharmaceutical research & development experience to create a business service unit that works efficiently to advance your drug development program​. Access the brochure here!


At QPS, translational medicine brings together leading-edge technologies and pharmaceutical research and development experience, working efficiently to advance your custom-built drug development program. Access the brochure here!

Read the article in Korean.

Read the article in Japanese.

Read the article in Chinese.


QPS provides a dedicated team of senior DMPK scientists to select, design and conduct absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion (ADME) and quantitative whole body audioradiography (QWBA) studies. Access the brochure here!


At QPS, our commitment is to provide each one of our valued customers with a fast and reliable route to clinical Phase I/II studies. We offer a wide range of toxicity and DMPK studies as well as other preclinical safety tests that are essential for your preclinical drug development programs. Access the brochure here!

Read the article in Korean.

Read the article in Japanese.

Read the article in Chinese.

Get to know QPS! Read our blog here

Service areas and areas of focus:

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Download the QPS Assay App Here – Android

To find out more about QPS Holdings, LLC, please click here to visit our website