Biomarker research collaboration announced

Written by Kasumi Crews, Future Science Group

Blurred interior of hospital - abstract medical background.

Agilent Technologies Inc. (CA, USA) has recently announced a strategic collaboration with Seoul National University Hospital (Seoul, Korea) for the development and verification of various biomarkers.

The biomarkers are expected to improve the quality of patient care in a number of ways, including enabling researchers to develop drugs such as narcotics and immunosuppressants. Byung-Hee Oh, President and Chief Executive Officer at Seoul National University Hospital commented, “One particular area we want to address is the development of biomarkers for early detection and effective monitoring of a range of diseases.”

The collaboration will enable researchers from the Department of Laboratory Medicine at Seoul National University Hospital to have access to Agilent’s support services and application expertise, as well as the Agilent 6460 Triple Quadrupole LC–MS system.

“Our hospital is pleased to collaborate with Agilent, the premier test and measurement company, to help us stretch the horizons of medical research in order to improve the lives of people in Korea and around the world,” Oh commented.

Rod Minett, General Manager, Life Sciences, South Korea and the South Asia-Pacific region of Agilent, expressed his delight at the collaboration and commented, “Through this collaboration, we hope to establish more effective and varied verification systems for the medical and life sciences industries.”

Source: Agilent Technologies and Seoul National University Hospital collaborate on biomarker research.