Bioanalytical revelation of the month: February

Robert MacNeill (Head of Method Development, Envigo):
“Specificity issues in bioanalytical LC-MS/MS can emerge from seemingly innocuous sources. In a quantitative method recently developed here at Princeton Research Center, it was found and subsequently verified that the use of a plastic transfer pipette to place reagent blank solution into a 96-well plate resulted in the manifestation of an interferent peak of significant broadness and intensity in the retention window of one of the compounds included in the SRM. This did not occur with the use of a glass transfer pipette for the same operation. We presume the interference to be related to the presence of leachables, perhaps a plasticizer chemical, within the pipette type that was associated with the issue.“
Faced a similar predicament or would like to elaborate on this issue? Let us know below or head to the forum.
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