Bioanalysis Rising Star Award 2020

BRSA 2020: the winner

We are delighted to name Sooraj Baijnath (Uppsala University, Sweden) the 2020 winner of the Bioanalysis Rising Star Award (BRSA; formerly the New Investigator Award). This year’s winner, Sooraj Baijnath, Researcher in the Medical Mass Spectrometry Department at Uppsala University, was nominated by Sanil Singh (University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), who commented: “Sooraj’s skills have been recognized nationally and internationally by being part of the DIPLOMICS South Africa Mass Spectrometry Society and being a successful co-applicant on a seeding labs equipment grant and a STINT Swedish collaborative grant. His skills are of the highest standard having received training at the Bruker Headquarters in Germany and at Uppsala University in Sweden.” On receiving the award, Sooraj commented: “It has been overwhelming to see the amount of support I have received globally. I would like to thank the award sponsors, Waters Corporation, and Bioanalysis Zone for this opportunity.”

BRSA 2020: the finalists

BRSA-AR-300X250-MPUView Ashley's profile BRSA-CW-300X250-MPUView Chris' profile

View Danielle's profile

BRSA-OB-300X250-MPUView Omar's profile
BRSA-SB-300X250-MPUView Sooraj's profile BRSA-SK-300X250-MPUView Sumit's profile


BRSA 2020: the nominees

Amanda Hays |PRA Health Sciences
Ashley Ross |University of Cincinnati
Ben Nie |Q2 Solutions
Benoit Fatou |Boston Children’s Hospital
Chris Williams |QPS
Danielle Moncrieffe |King’s College London
Elancheran Ramakrishnan |Annamalai University
Erika Pfaunmiller |Frontage Laboratories
Eylan Yutuc |Swansea University
Ian Dawson |Covance
Isabelle Kohler |Leiden University
Jwal Doctor |INTAS
Lauren Bailey |Merck 
Lewis Wharram |CPI
Micheal Witting |Helmtoltz Zentrum Muenchen
Olli Kärkkäinen |University of Eastern Finland
Omar Barnaby |Amgen
Reshma Panemangalore |Merck
Sooraj Baijnath |University of KwaZulu-Natal
Sumit Kar |Celerion
Swarna Ramaswamy |AIT Bioscience
Tomas Pluhacek |Palacky University
Xiaoyu Wang |Nanjing University
Yashpal Chhhonker |University of Nebraska
Yue Huang |AstraZeneca
Zifeng Mai |Frontage Laboratories


BRSA 2020: the judges


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