Application of DMS in boosting sensitivity for protein digest LC–MS/MS workflow

- Low sensitivity methods in protein LC–MS bioanalysis commonly utilise a ‘bottom-up’
approach. However, lack of selectivity can limit the sensitivity achievable - Often specific protein level clean-up is not an option, due to cost, time or unavailability of
suitable reagents, leading to a complex mixture of peptides generated for analysis - With only 20 naturally occurring amino acid building blocks, isobaric interference within
specific monitored SRM transitions is inevitable - Instrumental techniques offer a useful means of adding selectivity, such as high resolution
mass spectrometry, multi-dimensional chromatography or ion mobility - Differential Ion Mobility (DMS) is one such subset, offering fast separations through a user
removable short planar mobility cell situated in in the ion source region - LLOQ samples from two validated protein digest assays
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