ALMSCO showcases latest MS technology at Pittcon™ 2013

Analytical device manufacturer, ALMSCO, is to showcase its latest products at the world’s largest premier conference and exposition on laboratory science.
ALMSCO International (Llantrisant, UK), a company renowned globally for its innovations in TOF-MS technology, has revealed that it will be showcasing its most recent range of products for trace-level organic chemical analysis at Pittcon™ 2013, an annual conference and exposition on laboratory science held in Philadelphia (PA, USA).
Manufacturer of analytical devices and related consumables, ALMSCO, aims to enhance analytical performance in a number of fields, including environmental contamination, oil exploration, food safety, odour/fragrance, metabolomics, homeland security and toxicology.
At the exposition event, ALMSCO will be displaying its high-performance TOF-MS, BenchTOF-dx™, a device specifically designed for GC–MS analysts, which enables the capture of reference-quality full-spectral information at traditional selected ion monitoring detection limits. Ultimately, the device has the ability to identify and measure both target compounds and unknowns in highly complex matrices, at trace-levels.
Also among the suite of products being showcased will be a new version of TargetView™, a software package for accurate compound identification following GC–MS analysis. The software, which is designed so that it may be applied across a broad range of fields, allows the analyst to rapidly screen chromatograms against compound libraries and offers the opportunity to create bespoke spectral libraries.
Pittcon 2013 will be taking place during 17–21 March 2013. ALMSCO will be exhibiting Bench TOF-dx and TargetView at booths 4008 and 4009.
Source: Cutting-edge MS technology on show at PITTCON 2013.