Shimadzu to offer a new LC–MS/MS peak picking software that could boost productivity

Shimadzu (Kyoto, Japan) have announced new peak picking software, termed ‘Peakintelligence’, for triple quadrupole liquid chromatograph mass spectrometers (LC–MS/MS). The software claims to automatically detect peaks that appear frequently in the software window using algorithms developed using artificial intelligence. Shimadzu explain that the software could boost productivity levels.
The development of mass spectrometers has seen a dramatic increase in the amount of data obtained and while software can be used to automatically detect peaks, the visual confirmation by an operator can form a bottleneck in the process. Visual confirmation can also introduce variations in data analysis accuracy dependent on operator expertise.
Shimadzu and Fujitsu (Tokyo, Japan) have been collaborating since 2016, conducting research into automatic detection techniques for peak picking using artificial intelligence. It is reported that some 70,000 sets of data were used to train the software. Shimadzu claims the peak picking software achieves high levels of accuracy with respect to visual observations and manual procedures of experienced users, reporting false positive and false negative detection rates of 7% and 9% respectively.
At present, the ‘Peakintelligence’ software is intended for use with LC–MS/MS systems in life science fields with the potential to expand the number of compatible models and fields. Shimadzu believe that the automation of high-accuracy peak picking could eliminate dependency on operator expertise, thus simplifying data analysis and enabling a more productive laboratory.