Future trends in outsourcing: a summary of the Bioanalysis Zone Survey

Future trends in outsourcing
As the bioanalytical field continues to grow exponentially with the development of more complex molecules and as more Pharma continue to reduce their internal capacities for R&D, there has been an increasing demand to outsource work. To explore this further, Bioanalysis Zone featured a Spotlight on the Future Trends in Outsourcing earlier this year [1]. As part of this spotlight, the current models of outsourcing employed by Pharma were examined and experts within the field were consulted on how outsourcing is likely to change in the next 10 years and what these changes will mean for the CRO–Pharma relationship.
In order to gain a better understanding of how outsourcing is changing, a targeted survey was carried out to identify how the key players in industry are dealing with the changes in the industry. The full results of the survey are presented in an infographic online [2]. The survey was made up of 100 experts from around the world, consisting of 51 experts with a CRO background, 44 experts working in Pharma and Biotech and the remaining 5 experts in academia. The results of the survey were then analyzed by three independent experts: Bruce Stouffer (Executive Director Immunochemistry, PPDI), Erik Burns (Division Chair, Assistant Dean of Outreach & Professional Development, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) and Randall Guthrie (Vice President, Pyxant Labs, Inc.) during a panel discussion [3]. Here, the experts discussed whether the results of the survey reflected their own experience in the industry, gave their insight into why these changes are happening and how best to optimize the interface between CROs and Pharma to ensure best practice and scientific progress.
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