Bioanalysis Rising Star Award Judging Panel: Laura Mercolini

 I am honored to be a part of this year’s Bioanalysis Rising Star Award as a member of the judging panel. There are several young research talents in the field of bioanalysis and this award is an important way to recognize their efforts, significant results and to encourage their activity.”

Laura Mercolini is Assistant Professor in Medicinal Chemistry and Head of Pharmaco-Toxicological Analysis Laboratory Group (PTA Lab) at FaBiT Department, University of Bologna. She has a Master’s degree in Medicinal Chemistry and Technologies and a Ph.D. in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Laura Mercolini carries out her research projects also abroad, periodically visiting universities and research centers in and outside Europe. Her studies are devoted to the development of innovative strategies for the analysis of doping agents, drugs of abuse and CNS drugs in biological and non-biological samples, combining cutting-edge HPLC and CE methodologies with miniaturised sampling and pre-treatment approaches. She is author of around 70 scientific papers and inventor of a patent; she has delivered around 200 talks and seminars at international congresses and institutions abroad, including plenary and keynote lectures. Laura Mercolini is member of the Editorial Board of peer reviewed international bioanalytical journals and of the evaluation panel of EU fundamental and strategic research projects. She is Principal Investigator of national and international funded research projects, among which the most recent ones are in collaboration with World Anti- Doping Agency (WADA), Italian Ministry of Health and Erasmus+ European Strategic Partnership.

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