Life cycle management: keep measurement quality consistent

Did you ever stop and wonder about the term ‘Life Cycle Management’? What does it really mean?
In a new movie series from Mercodia (Uppsala, Sweden), this concept is scrutinized with the help of Hanna Ritzén, Managing Director of Research and Development (Mercodia). In the first episode of ‘Life Cycle Management by Mercodia’, Hanna explains the concept of measurement quality and how Mercodia is using Life Cycle Management to maintain good measurement quality throughout the whole product life cycle, creating the best conditions for successful biomarker validations.
In the second episode (starting at 3:24), Hanna guides us through the process of design and development, where reagent control, the use of monoclonal antibodies and key raw materials are evaluated.
There are more episodes on all parts of Life Cycle Management to come soon on the Mercodia YouTube channel.