High-resolution mass spectrometry for the quantification of biopharmaceuticals

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LC-MS-based approaches are increasingly used for the quantification of proteins in biological samples. Traditionally, triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has been the technology of choice; however, a disadvantage of this approach is that severe interferences are sometimes present in the chromatograms originating from peptides of endogenous proteins following sample digestion. In principle, high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) provides increased selectivity due to the ability to select a smaller mass extraction window for quantification. In this presentation, the results of an exploration of HRMS for the quantitative determination of biopharmaceutical proteins and a comparison to nominal mass LC-MS/MS will be provided, including validation results and application to preclinical trials.

What will you learn?

  • How to use LC-HRMS for the quantitative bioanalysis of proteins
  • How mass extraction window and resolving power impacts selectivity
  • How an LC-HRMS method compares to nominal mass LC–MS/MS

Who will this interest?

  • Bioanalytical scientists in Biopharma/CROs performing quantification of large molecule analytes and biotherapeutics


Nico van de merbel 80x95Nico van de Merbel
Director of Bioanalytical Science
PRA HealthSciences

Nico van de Merbel is Director of Bioanalytical Science at the bioanalytical laboratories of PRA Health Sciences in Assen, The Netherlands, and Lenexa (KS, USA). His field of expertise is the bioanalytical application of chromatographic methods for small and large molecules and he is responsible for research, method development and the regulatory aspects of bioanalysis. Nico obtained his MSc in toxicology and his PhD in analytical chemistry at the Free University in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He holds an honorary professorship in Industrial Bioanalysis at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. He has over 25 years of experience in quantitative bioanalysis in academia and industry and has been employed with Pharma Bio-Research/PRA Health Sciences since 1995.

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