Improving the sensitivity and specificity of a bioanalytical assay for the measurement of certolizumab pegol

Magazines publication Newspaper and journal books: background and catalog design; article magazine press; newspaper media book knowledge; document advertising datum textbook

Aim: In order to evaluate placental transfer of certolizumab pegol (CZP), a more sensitive and selective bioanalytical assay was required to accurately measure low CZP concentrations in infant and umbilical cord blood. Results & methodology: A new electrochemiluminescence immunoassay was developed to measure CZP levels in human plasma. Validation experiments demonstrated improved selectivity (no matrix interference observed) and a detection range of 0.032–5.0 μg/ml. Accuracy and precision met acceptance criteria (mean total error ≤20.8%). Dilution linearity and sample stability were acceptable and sufficient to support the method. Conclusion: The electrochemiluminescence immunoassay was validated for measuring low CZP concentrations in human...

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