Parallelism experiments to evaluate matrix effects, selectivity and sensitivity in ligand-binding assay method development: pros and cons

Magazines publication Newspaper and journal books: background and catalog design; article magazine press; newspaper media book knowledge; document advertising datum textbook

Parallelism is an essential experiment characterizing relative accuracy for a ligand-binding assay (LBA). By assessing the effects of dilution on the quantitation of endogenous analyte(s) in matrix, selectivity, matrix effects, minimum required dilution, endogenous levels of healthy and diseased populations and the LLOQ are assessed in a single experiment. This review compares and discusses all available approaches that can be used to assess key assay parameters for pharmacokinetic and biomarker LBAs, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each approach. This review also summarizes a systematic approach that can apply to guide endogenous LBA method development and optimization with...

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