New Investigator Award 2016: Nominees

We are pleased to announce the nominees for this year’s New Investigator Award. Take a look at our nominees below, each with a snapshot from their Supervisor’s recommendation, and stay tuned for the announcement of this year’s shortlist – coming soon.
Agampodi Swarnapali De Silva Indrasekara – Department of Biomedical Engineering , Duke University (Durham, NC, USA)
“Pali’s excellent research accomplishments have been significant, non-incremental, contributions to the field of SERS-based sensing. Pali has the scientific curiosity and drive that make her solve every issue she comes across. Her talent, perseverance, creativity, and ingenuity are admirable.”
Andrew Baldwin – University of Oxford (UK)
“I have enjoyed numerous collaborations during my career, but few have been as productive and enjoyable as this [with Andrew], due in large part to Andrew’s dedication, enthusiasm and novel ideas. Consequently, his standing in the bioanalytical community is already high and I believe he has the potential and application to become a world-leader in structural biology, and in NMR in particular.”
Caroline Johnson – The Scripps Research Institute (La Jolla, CA, USA)
“[Caroline’s] contributions have impacted over 10,000 scientists actively involved in metabolism research, largely through her implementation of new technologies within the XCMS/METLIN metabolomic platform.”
Casey Burton – Missouri University of Science and Technology (MO, USA)
“Mr Burton displays a remarkable scientific aptitude and passion for bioanalysis that has led to significant advances in targeted urinary metabolomics approaches for use in molecular epidemiology and metabolic pathway analysis.”
Christian Lanshoeft – Novartis Institutes for Biomedical Research – Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics (DMPK) and Université de Strasbourg – Laboratoire de Spectrométrie de Masse BioOrganique, Institut Pluridisciplinaire Hubert Curien (Strasbourg, France)
“Christian is very diligent, shows a high degree of integrity in multi-disciplinary teams and is able to review scientific results in detail. This allows him to further extend his profound knowledge in Analytical Chemistry and to grow from presented challenges.”
Cong (Penny) Bi – Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln (NE, USA)
“As a graduate researcher, Penny has been an independent and hard-working student…[Her] work has broad implications that could be important in both advancing methods for the bioanalysis of drug-protein interactions and in the use of such information in the field of personalized medicine.”
Cuong Cao – Institute for Global Food Security, Queen’s University of Belfast (UK)
“Cuong joined our Institute about three years ago. During this period he has shown himself to be one of the most dynamic new investigators that I have had the pleasure to work with.”
Daniel Wilffert – QPS Netherlands B.V (The Netherlands)
“Daniel’s work opened a new field of bioanalytical chemistry that will be followed by many, notably in cases where antibody-based methods do not deliver accurate and precise results.”
Egan Doeven – Deakin University (VIC, Australia)
“…Egan has shown that this multiplexed detection approach can be performed within low-cost microfluidic systems operated with common consumer devices such as digital cameras and smartphones, creating new opportunities for point-of-care clinical diagnostics.”
Hua Wang – WIL Research, A Charles River Company (OH, USA)
“Hua Wang is an outstanding scientist that has contributed significantly to a variety of bioanalysis projects to support drug development programs… In his role as a scientist in a contact research organization, he has cracked several problems that biotech/pharma partners have spent years trying to solve.”
Isabel Álvarez-Martos – Interdisciplinary Nanoscience Center (iNANO), Aarhus University (Denmark)
“Isabel has obtained results of outstanding significance that allow a breakthrough in neuroscience research such as specific analysis of individual neurotransmitters in the presence of others, structurally related, also in blood and serum.”
Karl Storbeck – Department of Biochemistry, Stellenbosch University (Western Cape, South Africa)
“Dr Storbeck’s laboratory is one of the first, if not the first, to implement the use of UPC2-MS/MS for the analysis of steroids. His research has shown that this new technology offers a significant advance in the field of steroid research as UPC2-MS/MS combines the benefits of GC-MS and UPLC-MS/MS, while eliminating the shortcomings of each.”
Lavinia Morosi – Clinical Cancer Pharmacology Unit, Department of Oncology, IRCCS – Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche “Mario Negri” (Milan, Italy)
“Dr Lavinia Morosi is highly motivated to do high quality research in the field of bioanalysis to be applied to pre-clinical and clinical pharmacology studies. She is certainly brilliant, and competent in her experimental work and her work is fundamental for our projects.”
Mark John Hackett – Curtin University (WA, Australia)
“Mark’s key contribution, showing that elemental and molecular distributions are distorted by chemical fixation processes and that vastly improved data is obtained by use of cryopreservation strategies, have quickly been adopted internationally as a standard in bioanalytical synchrotron imaging.”
Ntakadzeni Edwin Madala – Plant Metabolomics Research Group, Department of Biochemistry, University of Johannesburg (South Africa)
“He has a sharp intellect and manages to grasp and understand new concepts easily. His growth and development as a scientist lead to him being selected for the New Generation Scholarships at the University of Johannesburg and later appointment as a Lecturer.”
Panagiotis Chrysanthopoulos – Eskitis Institute for Drug Discovery, Griffith University (QLD, Australia)
“Dr Panos Chrysanthopouls has already made a major contribution to my research project, quickly grasping the instrument and improving methodology and data analysis, plus taking the time to use his expertise to assist higher degree research students as well as come up with a new project of his own suited to our Fourier Transform Mass Spectrometer (FTMS) instrument.”
Panagiotis Vorkas – Imperial College London (UK)
“Panagiotos is a strongly motivated and highly skilled researcher. He is working in the field of metabolic profiling, with focus on developing bioanalytical workflows for expanding metabolome coverage and has successfully applied his methodologies in cardiovascular disease.”
Phillip Trefz – Breath Research & Technology, University of Rostock (Germany)
“Mr Trefz presents as an unusually motivated and gifted research fellow. He is extremely quick in learning and has a genuine understanding of scientific issues. He develops new concepts and is capable of seeing the broader perspectives of what he is doing.”
Qiao Su – School of Pharmaceutical Science/Innovative Drug Research Center, Chongqing University (China)
“Over past two years, Qiao Su has finished two research projects involving microbial metabolism and musculoskeletal injury and health…she has mastered well the operation, method development and bioanalytical applications of a variety of analytical instruments, including NMR, LC/MS and GC/MS within two years.”
Remco Koster – Clinical Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Laboratory, University Medical Center Groningen (The Netherlands)
“Remco Koster has demonstrated great analytical skills and creativity to tackle analytical challenges and problems. He has prepared a thesis on alternative matrix sampling which was defended successfully last year.”
Shawna Hengel – Seattle Genetics (WA, USA)
“Shawna’s ability to collaborate with clinical and pharmacokinetics colleagues has enabled her to build bioanalytical assays, yet to be presented publically, to answer further preclinical and clinical questions regarding ADC tumor delivery and biomarkers of activity.”
Sheelendra Pratap Singh – Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, CSIR-Indian Institute of Toxicology Research (Uttar Pradesh, India)
“Dr Sheelendra Pratap Singh is playing a key role in the institute for bioanalysis and has clear road map to advance in the field of bioanalysis especially for protein analysis to support toxicity biomarkers research.”
Soumik Siddhanta – Department of Mechanical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, MD, USA)
“Soumik is an outstanding experimentalist and a strong quantitative thinker, who complements his expertise in basic measurements with the ability to turns such measurements into systematic and controlled procedures. It is humbling to discuss with Soumik because he is smart, well trained, and has excellent intuition both for the physical problems as well as the underlying biology.”
Stephanie Cologna – Department of Chemistry, University of Illinois (Chicago, IL, USA)
“During her time as a postdoctoral fellow, Stephanie embraced learning genetics and molecular biology yet maintained her dedication to and passion for analytical chemistry. As a mass spectrometrist she is in-tune with the important factors of chemical measurement and the role of mass spectrometry in a variety of disciplines.”
Trent Oman – Dow AgroSciences, LLC (Indianapolis, IN, USA)
“As a graduate student, Trent studied a remarkably complex group of natural products, and though he was faced with many analytical challenges, his innovative and creative thinking enabled his success. Much of his work was pioneering and unprecedented, such as his research published on the structural characterization and biosynthesis of the natural product sublancin.”