12 days of Christmas – enjoy our FREE giveaway for this festive period!

This festive season we have put together a ‘12 days of Christmas’ giveaway for you to explore and enjoy. As the year draws to a close you can catch up on the latest bioanalytical highlights as you unpack our 12 content pieces. There is something for everyone with the giveaway including the latest Bioanalysis White Papers, articles, interviews and much more…
On the 12th day of Christmas, Bioanalysis Zone gave to me:
12 Questions on biosimilars
In this ‘Ask the Experts’ feature we discuss the use of biosimilars with a number of leading experts across the field. The series explores the role of biosimilars, the benefits and challenges of creating them and how they have gained momentum within the pharmaceutical industry.
11 Insightful webinars
Our latest webinars include discussions on SelexION differential mobility spectrometry, peptide quantitation workflows and moving from small to large molecule bioanalysis.
10 th GCC closed forum report
In this Bioanalysis conference report from the 10th Global CRO council closed forum, the authors discuss scientific and regulatory issues specific to CROs within bioanalysis.
9 Insights on immunogenicity
In this research article, the authors investigate the advantages and disadvantages of an immunogenicity assay for a human IgG4 mAb therapeutic being transferred to an automated system.
8 Authors on LC–MS/MS validation
In this research article an LC–MS/MS method, using two novel internal standards, has been validated for the quantitative measurement of PEX and its major hydroxy metabolites in human plasma.
7 Recommendations for the transfer of cell-based assays
The authors present lessons learned from two cell-based assay transfers that met relevant challenges while implementing alternative permutations of the recommended method transfer process.
6 Proteomic ebook chapters
Sample preparation is an important step for LC-MS-based peptide and protein analysis because of the high complexity of biological specimens. In this ebook, protein digestion, solid-phase extraction and affinity purification are outlined, and considerations prior to sample preparation are proposed.
5 Authors discussing point-of-care diagnostics
In this article the authors propose a unique diagnostic approach that effectively combines the specificity and real-time detection capability of Raman spectroscopy with the low cost and near in vivo nature of cotton-swab analysis.
4 Highlights on HRMS
In this article, the authors describe how, when, and why HRMS (specifically Q-Exactive series mass spectrometers) should be considered for implementation in regulated quantitative bioanalysis assays.
2016 White Paper on recent issues in bioanalysis: focus on biomarker assay validation (BAV).
Business of bioanalysis: Bioanalysis Zone panel discussion
A supplement on exploring microsampling!
Microsampling has gained increasing attention within the bioanalytical community in recent years. As newer, more sensitive bioanalytical instruments and novel microsampling technologies continue to develop, facilitating the application of microsampling in simpler workflows is now easier than ever before. This supplement brings you the latest developments and leading opinions from some of the key experts within the field.