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Development of a validated novel bead extraction method for the detection of...
A platform immunoassay for the quantification of biotherapeutics with glycine-serine linkers
An immunoassay for the quantification of phosphorylated α-synuclein at serine 129 in...
Assessment of mirvetuximab soravtansine immunogenicity in patients with folate receptor alpha-positive ovarian...
Interference from anti-drug antibodies on the quantification of insulin: a comparison of...
Patient-centric microsampling for abrocitinib pharmacokinetics: multiple-analytes assay bridging using Tasso device
Assessing prognosis by quantifying FcγRIIa on fixed platelets
Can capillary microsampling facilitate a clinical pharmacokinetics study of cefazolin in critically...
Critical reagent considerations for immunogenicity assay development for bispecific biotherapeutic candidates